Blogger Recognition Award

You, like I, may be dazed and confused about these blogging awards that are floating around. From what Allison from How to Get Things Done in 10 Ways told me, it is a networking tool for bloggers to get to know each other. That in itself is an award.

Allison was also the lovely lady who nominated me for The Blogger Recognition Award. I am still relatively new to reading her blog but am I ever glad to have added it to my list of subscriptions. How to Get Things Done in 10 Ways is a quirky blog which very often makes me laugh. Allison will write quick posts on topics such as random thoughts that she has had, how not to do things, and some necessary tips on how to do things. I can definitely recommend that anyone with a sense of humour give it a read! If you want to see her own Blogger Recognition Post, where I was nominated, check it out here. Unfortunately for me, because she nominated me, I cannot nominate her myself. If I were nominated by anyone else, she would definitely be on my list of nominees.

Part of the rules for this award is to share with readers how your blog got started. Lovely Littlest Life got started one cold January day when I finally stopped going back and forth on if I should blog. I must admit that my roommate at the time was the one who gave me the push that I needed to finally take the plunge. I knew that I wanted a place to chronicle my life and adventures, my thoughts and opinions. As Ferris Bueller says, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t  stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” I also knew that I wanted a place to log my European trip in March 2015 in order for my friends and family to keep up to date with my where abouts if they wanted to. Lovely Littlest Life really started to take shape.

Lovely Littlest Life got its name based on my dad’s nickname for me: the Littlest One. I wanted something with alliteration and it seemed like the right fit.

If I were to give any advise to new bloggers, it would be to write down why you want to blog before you ever post anything. What makes you want to share what you have to say? Keep that thought somewhere safe and read it out loud every time you doubt yourself. Giving up is the only way that you can fail at this, so just don’t give up. If you ever need additional reassurance, maybe watch that Just Do It video of Shia LaBeouf.

In exchange for my nomination, I am to make some of my own. I have made this list based on the blogs & bloggers out there who I find inspiring. So thank you to each and every one of them for continuing to blog and make my days full of a little bit more joy.

  1. Jessie’s Budget Beauty
  2. Confetti & Curves
  3. Pastries and Prada
  4. The Real Scott Weller
  5. La Whimsy Writer
  6. Bonellie
  7. Winter in a Dream
  8. Paper Hart Designs
  9. Pink Pencil Skirt
  10. The Hope Ladder

To my nominees, I hope that you take this nomination as my way of saying that I love not only what you are doing but that you are sharing it with the world-wide web. There is a wide variety of blogs here but they are each charming in their own unique way. If you decide to continue on with this award, here are the rules:

  • Thank whoever nominated you and include a link to their blog
  • Write a post and give a brief story of how your blog started
  • Give a piece of advice or two to new bloggers
  • Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to (Oops! I am bad and didn’t follow this rule!)
  • Let the nominees know you have nominated them and provide a link to the nomination details



  1. You are seriously the best and so sweet!! I’m so glad you enjoy my blog! And honestly, it’s bloggers like you that make me glad I do it and make me want to keep doing it!! So hell yes you deserve every bit of recognition!!

    Thanks girl!! Made my day right there 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Kelsey you are soooo so sweet! Thank you so much for the nomination! Making friendships and connections with other bloggers is one of the best parts of being a blogger!
    Your blog is such a treat to read! I look forward to your future posts 😆

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This has really made my day – cannot thank you enough lovely!!! What a super sweet post & you wholeheartedly deserve such a nomination! Your words are so inspiring, it was a pleasure to read ❤ thank you again for thinking of me for such a lovely award nomination – beyond chuffed *huge hugs* Karen xxxxxx


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